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August 08, 2002
Blog Children

I have Blog Children!

First, I convinced my wife to blog. As soon as she started I was blown away as I was reintroduced to how strong a natural writer she is. Lots of good stuff about our daughter - The Bean - as well.

Barely a couple of days after she got started, her friend Julie set up a couple of blogs - only one of which survives as far as I can tell. Julie is in Tech Support, so she did the heavy lifting of starting quite a few of her own blogs.

Third, Heather's friend Camille came down from Canada and I set her up on a blog. She made some changes and now I find out that she has decided to learn HTML and is totally hooked. She's now worried that she will need a pocket protector and plans to learn Javascript.

Two final observations. Both Camille and Julie have decided that literary criticism (and in Julie's case all entertainment) is what they feel is most interesting to the rest of the world. Knowing how much all of us read, it certainly makes sense.

Finally, I have to mention something that made me extremely proud of my wife. We all started at BlogSpot with Blogspot templates. I decided to move this site and my wife's site off to Movable Type, so I spent quite a bit of time modifying the templates for both our sites and generally setting up my wife's site as to links and such. I'll be darned if my brilliant and usually tech phobic wife didn't figure out advanced template editing in Movable Type and change her links section completely on her own.

Ain't she grand!

Posted by hoffmang | August 08, 2002 12:13 AM


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